
Agape love

Starts with you…

Bringing Hope Through Glasses

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We believe that true fulfillment comes, not from getting, but giving.

Thanks to your faithful business, we have been able to partner with an amazing organization that is doing amazing work in the San Diego area. The organization is called Sawubona, which is loosely translated to mean "you are known". This San Diego based nonprofit works to provide services including: breakfast, education, and other basic needs to people living in poverty in San Diego. 

San Diego is one of the top 3 cities for poverty in the United States and we believe it is our duty to come alongside our neighbors in anyway we can. We partnered with Sawubona to provide a specialty glass for their most well known program "Pancake Peeps". 

Below are some pictures from the different programs Sawubona has to offer

Interested in finding out more about this nonprofit, or ways you can partner with them? Click the link below to connect directly to their website.